before our beach relay Saturday morning!
One of the main things I took away from this weekend is how Mary Kay isn't for me. It's for everyone that we are able to reach with it. Don't think I'm crazy - I saw it with my own eyes. :) During our worship service Sunday morning, several directors shared poster board testimonies of what God has done through their businesses. Women that had dealt with abuse, depression, family problems, you name it - so many incredible stories of finding the Lord and realizing their gifts through their sisters in MK!
Joining Mary Kay is a $100 decision. Think about the last thing you spent $100 on - maybe you were at Walmart. How long did your purchase last you? Did you make wonderful new friends from it? Were you encouraged by Walmart daily after you spent your money there? Were you able to go back to Walmart anytime after that and receive a $50 discount on everything you bought? Did they offer you jewelry and bags and other wonderful prizes just for shopping with them?
I didn't think so. :)
lovely unit ladies!
I started my Mary Kay business in February. Since then, I've recruited four great ladies and through sales and recruits have been able to supplement our incomes and take some pressure off of college loans. The extra money and 50% discount on great products has been wonderful, but Mary Kay is so much more than that!
After moving to Wilkesboro, I was having trouble finding new friends. As I got more involved in Mary Kay, I plugged more and more numbers into my cell phone and now I truly enjoy talking to these new friends on a daily basis. If you don't have Godly women encouraging you daily and friends that are excited about being part of your life, we need to talk!
up on stage, winning some prizes for being a Red Jacket!
I've been blessed to always have fabulous coworkers and to never have workplace drama. I think I fall into a minority there, however, as I've talked to many people (women, especially) that just don't get along with their coworkers. Did you know that Mary Kay allows you to pick your own coworkers? It's also incredible to be in a room full of women that are genuinely supportive of each other.
My sales director, Lesley, and National Sales Director, Somer!
A teammate of mine told me recently that joining Mary Kay was an answered prayer in her life. I didn't answer her prayer - God did. He used my MK business as a way to reach out to her and I'm loving watching her grow, both in her faith and in her business! She's doing incredible things for her family!
I want you to think about a couple things. Do you enjoy your life as it is right this second? Do you ever find yourself with more month than money? Do you need to surround yourself with sisters in Christ? Are you making an impact on other women that need an incredible opportunity in their lives?
Could you see yourself driving a free car? (That's just a bonus, hehe!)
I'd love to sit down and talk with you even more about the Mary Kay opportunity. But first, one last question...
What do you have to lose?
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