No but seriously - I don't remember the pain. God's mechanism for ensuring that people will have more than one baby if they so desire.
The number of emotions felt and the lessons I've learned since July 27 are innumerable.
We worried the first few days because Abby would drink a few ounces and pass out. Shouldn't she be eating more? Is that enough for a newborn? And a couple weeks later I was wondering how on God's green earth a small baby could be eating as much as she was. If only she could eat a hamburger. That would keep her full longer. I'm kidding. But really.
I have learned that there is no such thing as "too many baby clothes." Just ask the hamper. And ask the days where we have both changed our clothes multiple times.
We've learned that people are full of their own advice and stories and recommendations, but they simply aren't a mom or dad to your little one. "Your three week old isn't on a schedule and sleeping through the night and bilingual? Well this is what I did..." And that's fantastic. But truthfully, mom and dad know best. Smiling and nodding is an acceptable response.
Once we got out of brand new newborn stage, I started regaining my sanity and feeling like a normal person that chooses to live in yoga pants and t-shirts. I also learned how to do everything left-handed and mastered the art of one-handed eating. I've eaten far more Ramen than I care to admit with my left hand, an art I never considered mastering before motherhood. Steak? Cereal? Sandwich? Only one hand available? Challenge accepted.
I've felt excitement over sleeping an entire night and a touch of disappointment when my baby alarm clock goes off at 2:30 am the following morning. I've fought sleep sitting in the chair in the nursery and then am magically wide awake when I'm back snuggled into our bed. How does that happen?
I've watched adults, women and manly men alike, melt into a puddle of awws in the face of Abby, especially now that she hands out smiles so freely. I love watching grown people mirror the face of a baby - sticking their tongues out, opening their eyes wide and furrowing their eyebrows as they mimic our little girl.
I've composed compelling ballads to encourage and/or discourage any imaginable bodily function. The album will be hitting iTunes next summer. Watch out, Taylor Swift.
I've learned the value of a mom's group (S+S shoutout) in maintaining sanity. Your baby likes to party at 4:00 am too? You're also on onesie number four for the day? Your hair is also falling out at an unbelievable rate? Nothing like solidarity between new moms!
Recently though, I've just been amazed at watching Abby grow. She can sit up really well in her Bumbo seat and she holds on to it like she's riding a mechanical bull. She smiles at Jared and me when we walk in to a room. She's started giggling and it's the most joyful sound ever. She holds up her head when she's laying on her belly and she can roll on to her back, but only when I'm not watching. She chatters to us all day long and sometimes sounds like she's saying "hi!" and other times just says "eer-o-wut." She squeals with joy when she sees Milo and she makes faces at his breath. It's okay buddy, we all have bad breath sometimes.
The dishes pile up (dear people of the world, never ever ever take your dishwasher for granted), the laundry eats the corner of our bedroom, Netflix accusingly asks me if I'm still watching Gilmore Girls as I serve as a human mattress because some days that's just how things go. Why yes I am, Netflix, so you just keep on trucking.
I can't believe how fast our little Abigail is growing and developing and learning. Our good days far outnumber our bad days and I wouldn't trade any of them for anything.
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Abby's birthday and today! |
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