I'll be honest with you - before I actually started my first year of teaching, I thought I would automatically be that teacher that you see in the movies. You know, the kind that goes into a class of misfits as a simple substitute teacher and in about a day and three quarters, the entire class is Harvard-bound. I can go ahead and tell you that it wasn't that easy and that didn't happen. I also didn't have a class of misfits, just for the record.
While it's true that I have my curriculum to cover during the year (every teacher knows that the standard course of study = Bible in a public school) I've decided to compile a list of only a fraction of the lessons I have learned from various nine year olds...perhaps you can benefit from their wisdom as well!
Say what you mean, and mean what you say.
Saying, "Honey, here's a tissue," to the student that is picking his nose will probably not effectively put an end to the nose-picking (see note on the term "honey" below). Most students will politely turn down the tissue and keep right on with their own method. Matters like this have helped me learn the value of straight talk. Also, if you tell a class of 24 to "whisper a couple minutes," you will more than likely hear about 8 or 9 students whispering the words, "a...couple...a...a couple minutes..." True story.
Terms of endearment are hardly ever endearing.
To walk down the hall and hear a teacher start a sentence with the word "Honey..." in a lovey-dovey tone is never a good sign. I've seen many an eye roll from the child that is called "sweetheart." Every student knows that in about 97% of all cases, pet names result in a command. "Honey, stop doing that." "Sweeeetie, don't look at him that way." In my head, all I hear is, "Honey, roll over! Who wants a treat? Good boy..." I mean, think about it!
A smile and nod will get you anywhere.
With twenty-four children in a classroom, let's face it: a teacher is bound to hear something ridiculous at least once a day, if not once an hour. Children have such different personalities, which is what makes teaching so much fun. When different students come to me, prefacing our conversation with, "can I tell you a story?" I always get a little excited to hear what they have to say. Some students may actually just tell a story: "I went to church on Sunday and sang a solo in front of everybody!" Fair enough. The ones that get me are, "Miss Coney, I was raised by wolves!" and "Miss Coney, I went to my neighbor's house last night and...(4 minutes later) well, no, actually it wasn't last night, it was two nights ago and we were eating ice cream...(6 minutes later) no it was Monday night and we were eating cake!" Those stories are the best ones, because those stories bring back memories of the little kid version of me. Every detail is life-changing, and the story would obviously mean nothing if the person you are talking to doesn't know the color of your friend's shirt. Sometimes all I can do is smile and say, "nice!" and children are wonderful because that is all they need to hear.
Laugh at everything or you'll cry over anything.
This is probably about the most important lesson I've learned in my short time teaching. Everyone's first year of teaching is overwhelming. There's a ton to learn, analyze, assess, and remember. Luckily, after the first year comes the second year and all of it becomes so much more natural. But before the second nature part comes, a first year teacher is faced with countless on-the-brink-of-tears moments. Rather than giving in and letting the tears flow, I decided that focusing on the more positive parts of my day would be far more effective than focusing on those potential breakdowns. Too many funny and wonderful things happen throughout the course of a day to concentrate on the bad things!
Wednesday, February 29, 2012
Saturday, February 25, 2012
Wedding Preview!
It's an exciting time of year - we're working hard in the last half of the school year, spring break is approaching in a little more than a month, and Jared and I are planning our wedding! He was thoughtful enough to propose on Christmas day, allowing me an entire week off of school to get a jump start on wedding plans. Without that week, we probably wouldn't be as far along as we are on plans. So thanks, fiance :)
What's that? You want an overview of our wedding plans? Well since you asked...
Photographer: Jessica Marie Photography
I am so glad that we picked Jessica to be our photographer! She is from Mocksville and is so talented and a ton of fun to work with. We have already had our engagement shoot and Jared and I are both incredibly happy with the pictures that we have seen so far. Here are a few of my favorites!

Wedding Date: July 28th!
Location: First Baptist Welcome
Colors: Canary yellow and gray!
My wedding dress:

...except it looks nothing like that. I did, however, get my wedding dress for good last night! I picked it out at the beginning of January (it was the third one I tried on...I fell in love immediately!), got fitted for alterations a few weeks later, and went again last night for my final fitting. The wonderful Teenia Harmon and Heather Lancaster went along for the ride so that they could learn how to bustle my dress...it was quite the lesson! But the dress fits wonderfully and it's just perfect. I can't wait!
Decorations: Pinterest.
Need I say more?
Bridal Shower: June 16th!
I have an incredibly on-the-ball maid of honor (thanks, Teenia!) and wonderful friends that are already planning one of my showers. It'll be at FBCW on the 16th, so put it on your calendar and go ahead and buy a present if you want...
Honeymoon: Luray, Virginia
Jared and I got on the ball with this one. We planned all along to go visit a mountain cabin for a week. As we started looking around at locations back in January, we realized how quickly the summer reservations were getting snatched up. I guess people like to plan their summer vacations early - can't blame them! So, we found a cabin in a nice part of Virginia. We'll be near some fun touristy attractions and Shenandoah National Park. Here are a couple pictures!

The outside of the cabin

The view!

I am super excited to keep moving along with these plans. Lucky for me, Jared is a great fiance that is doing everything he can to help me with plans along the way. I am loving being girly about everything, and he's doing a great job of enduring the squeals that happen when I'm around basically any female that mentions the word "wedding."
I'm so blessed! :)
Thursday, February 23, 2012
Quote of the Day - Rewind
At the advice of another blogger/wonderful mom of a student I had last year, I've gone back into the recesses of my Facebook to find funny student quotes from way back when I started teaching. Or...two Augusts ago. Either way, I hope you enjoy!
August 31, 2010
We're writing autobiographies and one boy was writing about his 4th grade experience thus far: "My teacher is Miss Coney. She is very nice and just graduated from the Appalachian mountains."
October 26, 2010
Today, one of my girls showed me what she had been working on during writing. What was it? A love poem. About a boy in my class. And about how "he's as cute as a puppy." Ooh gosh.
January 18, 2011
I called one of my students "friend" today. He said, "I'm not your friend, Miss Coney. I'm your BEST friend." Hahaa aww.
January 27, 2011
One of my kids informed me today that he would never marry a teacher. His reason: "she would make me do all her work!" hahaha
*warning to Jared!*
February 14, 2011
A Valentine's day poem written by a student: Valentine's day makes me sad, not having a girlfriend makes me mad...hahaha
March 24, 2011
More 4th grade wisdom: "Miss Coney, you need to get married and have 20 kids. Then you won't have to pay taxes!" I don't know why I didn't think of this sooner... :)
March 29, 2011
"I never thought I would be doing the chicken dance with my teacher!"
May 2, 2011
According to some of my students, there are two reasons that I could/should be a mother: 1. I am old enough, and 2. I am pretty enough.
October 24, 2011
Things my student remembered/announced today about Jared after seeing him at her soccer game with me Saturday: "He looks nothing like Miss Coney...and he has a BEARD."
February 1, 2012
Top two quotes of the day:
1. "Miss Coney, sometimes I feel like you're my mom."
2. "Miss Coney, you're really pretty and I didn't do my homework."
February 7, 2012
Today's educational conversation: A student said, "If you were born in 1987, you would be like, 45!" I told them I was born in 1988 and I'm only 23, and someone said, "but you look like you're 14!" And another - "no, she looks about 37."
For some reason, I never posted one of the top quotes of the year...it was one of the first days of school!
A boy came up to me and quietly stated that he had a secret. I said okay, and asked what it was.
"Miss Coney. I...am...a...dragon."
I said "okay," and he went back to his desk.
This is why I love my job. :)
August 31, 2010
We're writing autobiographies and one boy was writing about his 4th grade experience thus far: "My teacher is Miss Coney. She is very nice and just graduated from the Appalachian mountains."
October 26, 2010
Today, one of my girls showed me what she had been working on during writing. What was it? A love poem. About a boy in my class. And about how "he's as cute as a puppy." Ooh gosh.
January 18, 2011
I called one of my students "friend" today. He said, "I'm not your friend, Miss Coney. I'm your BEST friend." Hahaa aww.
January 27, 2011
One of my kids informed me today that he would never marry a teacher. His reason: "she would make me do all her work!" hahaha
*warning to Jared!*
February 14, 2011
A Valentine's day poem written by a student: Valentine's day makes me sad, not having a girlfriend makes me mad...hahaha
March 24, 2011
More 4th grade wisdom: "Miss Coney, you need to get married and have 20 kids. Then you won't have to pay taxes!" I don't know why I didn't think of this sooner... :)
March 29, 2011
"I never thought I would be doing the chicken dance with my teacher!"
May 2, 2011
According to some of my students, there are two reasons that I could/should be a mother: 1. I am old enough, and 2. I am pretty enough.
October 24, 2011
Things my student remembered/announced today about Jared after seeing him at her soccer game with me Saturday: "He looks nothing like Miss Coney...and he has a BEARD."
February 1, 2012
Top two quotes of the day:
1. "Miss Coney, sometimes I feel like you're my mom."
2. "Miss Coney, you're really pretty and I didn't do my homework."
February 7, 2012
Today's educational conversation: A student said, "If you were born in 1987, you would be like, 45!" I told them I was born in 1988 and I'm only 23, and someone said, "but you look like you're 14!" And another - "no, she looks about 37."
For some reason, I never posted one of the top quotes of the year...it was one of the first days of school!
A boy came up to me and quietly stated that he had a secret. I said okay, and asked what it was.
"Miss Coney. I...am...a...dragon."
I said "okay," and he went back to his desk.
This is why I love my job. :)
Tuesday, February 21, 2012
Quote of the Day, vol. 1
"I was named after Ethiopia."
Sadly, I wasn't present in the room for this one, but I heard about it after my meeting. I'm also fairly positive that this particular student wasn't named after Ethiopia.
Sadly, I wasn't present in the room for this one, but I heard about it after my meeting. I'm also fairly positive that this particular student wasn't named after Ethiopia.
And so it begins...
I've always wanted to start a blog. I definitely don't live a blog-worthy life and people will most likely survive without my various musings, but I've always thought it would be fun. So here goes! Don't look for anything philosophical or life-changing, but rather a collection of things that I find fun and exciting and worthy of sharing.
As a teacher, I am full of stories to tell. I really wish I had started a blog, journal, Microsoft Word document, something before now to document all of those ridiculous moments in class that make me laugh, shake my head, or just result in plain confusion. Sadly, I have not done that, but what better time to start than the present? Exactly!
Various crafts and jewelry-making escapades will also undoubtedly find their way here. I'm a closet crafting fiend that will gladly sit on the couch for hours and make things if time allows. Sadly, life is busy and doesn't often include crafts, but that's okay! I make it work when I can.
I'm also a photography junkie with a nice camera that I'm still learning how to use. I will allow you to wait with baited breath as I post pictures on my blog. Really, calm down. :)
All in all, my hopes for this blog is that it can perhaps give you something entertaining to read, help you procrastinate for a few minutes (let's be honest, blogs are wonderful tools for that), and maybe even bring a smile to your face at the end of the long day.
Go ahead and wait in anticipation for the next post!
As a teacher, I am full of stories to tell. I really wish I had started a blog, journal, Microsoft Word document, something before now to document all of those ridiculous moments in class that make me laugh, shake my head, or just result in plain confusion. Sadly, I have not done that, but what better time to start than the present? Exactly!
Various crafts and jewelry-making escapades will also undoubtedly find their way here. I'm a closet crafting fiend that will gladly sit on the couch for hours and make things if time allows. Sadly, life is busy and doesn't often include crafts, but that's okay! I make it work when I can.
I'm also a photography junkie with a nice camera that I'm still learning how to use. I will allow you to wait with baited breath as I post pictures on my blog. Really, calm down. :)
All in all, my hopes for this blog is that it can perhaps give you something entertaining to read, help you procrastinate for a few minutes (let's be honest, blogs are wonderful tools for that), and maybe even bring a smile to your face at the end of the long day.
Go ahead and wait in anticipation for the next post!
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