Tuesday, February 21, 2012

And so it begins...

I've always wanted to start a blog. I definitely don't live a blog-worthy life and people will most likely survive without my various musings, but I've always thought it would be fun. So here goes! Don't look for anything philosophical or life-changing, but rather a collection of things that I find fun and exciting and worthy of sharing.

As a teacher, I am full of stories to tell. I really wish I had started a blog, journal, Microsoft Word document, something before now to document all of those ridiculous moments in class that make me laugh, shake my head, or just result in plain confusion. Sadly, I have not done that, but what better time to start than the present? Exactly!

Various crafts and jewelry-making escapades will also undoubtedly find their way here. I'm a closet crafting fiend that will gladly sit on the couch for hours and make things if time allows. Sadly, life is busy and doesn't often include crafts, but that's okay! I make it work when I can.

I'm also a photography junkie with a nice camera that I'm still learning how to use. I will allow you to wait with baited breath as I post pictures on my blog. Really, calm down. :)

All in all, my hopes for this blog is that it can perhaps give you something entertaining to read, help you procrastinate for a few minutes (let's be honest, blogs are wonderful tools for that), and maybe even bring a smile to your face at the end of the long day.

Go ahead and wait in anticipation for the next post!

1 comment:

  1. Teaching rocks. I'm glad you're blogging about it. You should go back (deep) into your Facebook posts over the past year or so and paste them in here.
