Friday, January 18, 2013

Thanks, Internet!

Blog Makeover

I love finding and using helpful tutorials online - what did we do before Google and Pinterest?

I decided to use part of my snow day (term used lightly) to update my blog. I wanted to change my header to a picture collage, and I found a super helpful tutorial that made it so simple. Check it out if you are a blogger and are interested in making a picture header! January!

I'm also a big fan of making Christmas presents. I wanted to post this back when I was making them, but that obviously defeats the purpose of a present! I found this idea on Pinterest in another very helpful tutorial.

Here are some that I made!

I bought plain white bathroom tiles at Lowes for a whopping $0.16 a piece. I cut a tile template out of a file folder, and traced the square on to pretty Christmasy/wintery scrapbook paper.

Ah, Mod Podge. My best craft friend. Cover the tile in Mod Podge...

Then add the picture! I found it was helpful to Mod Podge the corners/edges down after this step. The first round of coasters that I made had issues with the corners popping up.

Let that set for a couple minutes, then cover the top of the tile in Mod Podge, too. I love Mod Podge because it dries so fast!

At this point, I put my camera away for whatever reason and stopped taking pictures of my steps. Oops. The rest is easy, though. I glued felt pieces on the bottom corners of the coasters to keep them from sliding. I used E-600 glue, which is waterproof and super strong! It also smells really weird and has cancer warnings on the, maybe keep your use of it to a minimum. Jared advised me to not eat it. I'll probably be fine. ;)

Then I used spray Mod Podge (also a great invention!) to further seal the coaster and make it more waterproof. I would advise doing that outside...just not on a windy day!

Once they were dry, I tied them up in a ribbon and that was that! They were pretty easy to make, and have heard that they work well. It would be fun to make them for different seasons and holidays!

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