Saturday, August 18, 2012

Our Wedding!

Jared and I have been married three weeks as of today! It's been a fun three weeks :) Fun and crazy busy! He got right back to work at Millers Creek the day after we got back from our honeymoon, and my workdays at Millers Creek Christian School started right away, too. We're both blessed to have jobs in ministry that we love so much. God is good!

Getting married meant moving, and moving means a long to-do list...people to call, delivery men to not be home for, and appointments that don't happen when they're supposed to! Luckily, everything worked out eventually and our little house is coming together very nicely. We had our internet set up on Tuesday. Its crazy how reliant we've become on having the internet! Not having it for a week and a half or so was surprisingly (and sadly) strange. But alas, we survived.

Now that we have the internet, I can get back to the blogging world. So excited! I know everyone is wondering about wedding wait no longer!

Our wedding was just perfect for us, and we had a lot of fun planning it. It was great and non-stressful, and everything went off without a hitch! I had a great time doing crafts and making decorations for the wedding, and I had a trusty team of crafters that were just a phone call away, waiting to fold tissue paper and punch out flower shapes. I couldn't have done it without them! Jared even got in on some of the crafting fun. Sadly, I don't have any picture proof of that. :)

This was one of my favorite wedding crafts! We put engagement pictures from our wonderful photographer on the ends of some of the pews in the sanctuary in place of flowers on the pews. I painted the frames, glued some flowers on them, and learned how to tie pretty bows to glue on them, too (thanks Pinterest!). 

The finished product - I was really happy with how they turned out!

I also made reserved signs. I had to have ones that matched the color scheme, naturally. :) The yellow part is a decoration that my friends/bridesmaids had left over from a wedding shower they threw for us. So that part was free! The black part chalkboard paper that I bought at Michael's. Sadly, the chalk was very hard to see on the paper, bought I found that a silver Sharpie did the trick wonderfully!

We also made a guestbook poster to hang, rather than having a typical guestbook that we may never open again. This was based off of a Pinterest idea too! My mom mentioned a few months ago that if I stayed off of Pinterest, the wedding planning would go faster. She was right. But! Everything was finished just in time for the 28th.

I drew the silhouettes of the bride and groom and cut them out of black scrapbook paper. Mod Podge is holding them on, as well as their yellow bows and our names, because that stuff is awesome! Then we stamped the balloons with a stamp that we found after spending a long time in Michaels...Jared is such a trooper!

The tin pail was another Michael's find, and it has a cute chalkboard oval on the front!

The slate also came from Michael's. Can you tell I like Michael's? Kinda my happy place!

That about does it for this wedding post. I encourage anybody that is planning a wedding to do as many homemade things as you can! I think it made our wedding even more special, seeing decorations that we had worked on for so long before the wedding day. It also saved us quite a bit of money!

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