Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Politics & My Classroom

My nine students and I were gathered around my small blue table yesterday, studying the lines of latitude and longitude that run through the state of North Carolina in our big atlas. We found Wilkesboro, talked about where Millers Creek is located, and then conversation naturally went to..."Oh Charlotte! My grandma lives in Charlotte!" and the likes of that. We had a few minutes to spare, so we spent some time exploring our state in the atlas.

In about 2.5 seconds, we went from talking about Raleigh and the beach to talking about politics. How? I'm not altogether sure, but I figured a discussion about the upcoming election had plenty to do with Social Studies, so I ran with it. If you need your mood lifted, talk to a nine-year old about politics...it was pretty hilarious!

These are some of the comments that were made:

"If I was old enough to vote, I wouldn't. All those two men do are pick on each other and say what the other is doing wrong!"
"That's politics for you!"
(I said, "amen.")

This started a chorus of children talking in their best deep, grown man voices: "I'm Mitt Romney, and I approve this message."
"I'm Barack Obama! And I approve this message."

"I know a lot of people that aren't voting because they don't like either man. I wouldn't either!"
*I took this opportunity to discuss how it is our responsibility as citizens of America to voice our opinions and beliefs through voting, so no worries!

"My grandmother said we don't have unicorns anymore because God let them play outside of the ark for a while. Then they missed the ark door closing, so they didn't get to go with Noah. Is that really what happened, Mrs. Blair?"

Unrelated, but we discussed that for a short while, too.
I can't make this stuff up!

"Presidents make promises that no one could ever keep!"
Followed by another, "that's politics for you!"
At this point, I was dying laughing on the inside!

"George Washington is THE BEST PRESIDENT this country has ever had!"
"Nuh-uh, Abraham Lincoln was!"

"What this country REALLY needs is another Ronald Reagan."
(I amen-ed again.)

It was the most hilarious 10 minutes that we've had this week. I loved that my students started this discussion on their own, without me hardly saying a word. And I love that they share the truths that so many adults think, but are afraid to say! I hope these comments made you laugh as much as they made me laugh. Love those kids!

On the same note, here are some pictures of my classroom! Enjoy :)

My desk area during our teacher workdays! If only it could stay that neat when school is actually in session :)

our behavior chart!

and classroom rules

My kids have lockers in our classroom! That was the most exciting part of moving to fourth grade for most of them.

A list of our daily subjects and a preview of the week's topics!
(Also, I have so much storage! There are three sets cupboards to the left of this cabinet that the Sunday School teacher and I share. Its so wonderful!)

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