Friday, September 28, 2012

Why Today was Awesome.

1. I wrote "Irish wristwatch" on the board and told my kids to try saying it. Funniest thing ever. They took turns going around the room attempting it, and it ended up in a chorus of "Irish wrishwrashres." If you've never tried saying it, please do so now and then laugh at how impossible it is to do!

2. As we said our blessing before lunch, the student praying asked that "we won't yell at each other playing basketball this afternoon." Amen!

3. I walked in the workroom after said blessing to retrieve my lunch from the refrigerator. Someone (obviously an angel, or Jesus himself) put a dozen-sized box of Krispy Kreme doughnuts on the counter with a sign that said "Free - help yourself!" I looked around the workroom and set my lunch down, bracing myself for what was sure to be an empty box. Instead, I found 11 perfectly glazed delicious doughnuts. I always get to the workroom when the "Free - take one" items have already been taken and all that's left are crumbs and chocolate chips. Today was my day, and my inner fat kid jumped for joy at the glorious sight before me.

4. We got to lunch, and some of our church member friends were in the kitchen preparing dinner for tonight. Our church fed West Wilkes' football team before their homecoming game tonight, so our friends were there preparing food. These particular friends, along with several other church members, belong to the Yosef Club at ASU. They offered Jared and me their tickets (all 4 of them!) and their parking pass (if you've ever been to an App game, you know why this is incredible). We had already bought tickets for tomorrow's game, but it will be easy enough to unload those on somebody once we get to the game. You just can't turn down Yosef Club seats and parking! And, since we have two extra tickets, Mom and Dad are going to join us for the day. We can't wait!

5. My kids earned free gym time this afternoon. We started out by all shooting hoops, and my kids were impressed by my athleticism (i.e. I could at least get my ball to hit the backboard, if not actually make a basket). The kids dispersed to do other things, I almost got hit in the head by one of their basketballs, and then they started World War IV. What happened to World War III, you ask? Legitimate question; I asked the same thing. "We had World War III last year in third grade, Mrs. Blair." Fair enough. World War IV consisted of almost the entire class trying to hit one particular student with a ball. Don't worry, he had a fun time, too.

6. My students presented their history projects today, for which they had to interview a family member and figure out some of their family genealogy and history. It was so interesting, and it was great to see the kiddos so excited about their projects (they were even excited about history, but I didn't dare tell them that!). I really enjoyed hearing their stories, how an ancestor was a horse thief, and another ancestor didn't have records left in England because he was outrunning the English government. Crazy, and so fascinating!

7. We were invited to partake in the food that was left once the football team had gone back to school for their game. Free dinner? And no dishes? We were all over that one! Good food and fellowship made a wonderful end to our day!

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